Get ready for some CRM Rocket Science at HEMA!

Tim van den Berg

14:20 - 14:50

For at least half a century the CRM mantra “the right message for the right customer, at the right time, via the right channel” has been around. Easily said – by many – but not done. This is rocket science!

At HEMA our “CRM” dream is to be relevant, with products, services and communication that fit the needs of our customers and make their lives easier and more fun. And by doing so, grow value. This is not easy and that is why I’d like to share an honest story about how we deal with this at HEMA; with ups and downs and in tiny steps. The story will give you insights into how we use the HEMA Single Customer View within a framework that brings together data, content, decisioning and engagement. The theory and application behind this is extensively covered by the DDMA committee DDE in several articles.
We’ll conclude with results and our main learnings as well as an outlook into what is next to come. Since we’re still at the beginning of our CRM dream, with much more to be done and to realize.

Tim van den Berg


Tim van den Berg has 10+ years of experience in digital marketing and CRM. Currently working as CRM lead at one of the most iconic Dutch brands; HEMA.Tim and his CRM team’s ambition is to make the daily lives of millions of customers happier and more fun. Driven by his entrepreneurial spirit, combined with a passion for data & technology, Tim will take you on his CRM journey towards personalization & marketing automation at HEMA.